Presentación: Defining success factors in software development projects

Estimados, este miércoles el profesor Narciso Cerpa hará la exposición titulada "Defining success factors in software development projects: An exploratory analysis of factors as perceived by Chilean developers".

El resumen de la presentación es el siguiente:

"Research has shown that whether a software development project is viewed as a success or failure depends on the perception of the person viewing the project; the differences between various stakeholder’s perceptions of successful projects have been highlighted in the literature. We present an exploratory study aiming to identify what factors are characteristic of a successful software development projects in Chilean software developments.

We obtained data from Chilean software developers utilising a questionnaire previously used for research into U. S. software practitioners’ perceptions of project success. The Chilean data was analyzed using principal components factor analysis. The sample showed that project success is not exclusively related to technical aspects such as budget, planning or requirements accomplishments, but mainly to motivation and interpersonal relationships. Additionally, we found agreement between the perception of Chilean and U.S. developers on four success factors: professional status and job satisfaction, good team relationships, project is well planned and customer requirements are managed."

La presentación será en español con diapositivas en inglés este miércoles 26 a las 13.00hrs en la sala de reuniones del tercer piso del edificio azul.

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